All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
” I believe our country deserves a better government. Together, we can ensure that people are truly looked after and that we take real action to protect our environment. “
I believe our country deserves a better government. Together, we can ensure that people are truly looked after and that we take real action to protect our environment.
I’m a proud South Australian. I grew up in the Adelaide Hills and moved to the Boothby area 20 years ago. The people of Boothby want sensible and practical solutions. They are progressive and deserve representation which reflects this. We need real action on climate change and an end to the close relationship between the fossil fuel industry and government. This can only occur if we kick the Liberals out and put The Greens in balance of power to hold the next government to account.
With 20 years’ experience as an engineering director and project manager, I’ve led large teams of people on some of the most technically challenging projects in Australia and have also successfully managed businesses. I understand infrastructure and finance and will put this knowledge to use in getting better outcomes for people and the environment. I’m a strong advocate for renewable energy, public transport and sustainable urban design. I’ve worked in every mainland capital in Australia and also globally, which has given me perspective on the challenges and solutions for the environmental and social issues we face.
Of the 120,000 voters in Boothby, only 1,524 need to change their vote to finally remove the Liberals who have held the seat for more than 70 years. This could play a huge role in removing Peter Dutton, Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison from power in Canberra. By voting Greens No.1 and putting the Liberals last, we can ensure the Coalition is kicked out and send a strong message that Boothby wants progressive policies from the next government.
Together, we can…
1. Tackle climate change by rapidly transitioning to renewable energy
2. Restore integrity to politics and end corporate donations to political parties
3. Fund world-class education, hospitals and public transport
4. Save the Murray and protect our national parks and green spaces