Hey, I’m Max and I’m your candidate for Griffith.
I passionately believe positive change is possible. We can ensure everyone has access to a good steady, job and is guaranteed a comfortable home.
I live with my partner in an apartment in Woolloongabba. I was born in the Mater hospital in Brisbane and grew up in West End, Highgate Hill and Kangaroo Point.
In 2016, I managed Jonathan Sri’s successful Gabba Ward Campaign. I was the strategist for the Queensland Greens 2017 and 2020 state elections, where the party successfully elected two Members of Parliament, Michael Berkman and Amy MacMahon. I have worked at the National Tertiary Education Union working with casual and contract research and admin workers to better organise and improve their rights. I have been a call centre worker, after school care worker and have 1st class honours in History from the University of Queensland.
People have lost faith in a political system that puts the interests of a few big corporations ahead of the rest of us.
But there is hope.
We can roll back the Coalition and the ALP’s privatisation of our essential services like electricity, and bring them back into public hands so they’re run for people, not profit.
We can have high quality, free education from childcare to university and TAFE. And we can afford to invest in the crucial public infrastructure we need like public transport, schools and hospitals.
We can achieve all of this if we just ask the super wealthy CEOs and wealthiest corporations to pay their fair share so we can all benefit from the wealth that all of us create.
If elected I’ll fight to represent you in Canberra and give a voice to this sort of politics.