All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
” I am running for Dobell because climate change threatens all I hold dear. The inaction of the major parties is frightening and the need to forge a new path is urgent. And I know that change is possible.”

Hi, I’m Cath. I am running for Dobell because climate change threatens all I hold dear. The inaction of the major parties is frightening and the need to forge a new path is urgent. And I know that change is possible.
I’ve been living on Darkingyung and Guringai land on the Central Coast with my family for 30 years.
I have worked as a community and child health social worker, have run a community choir, taught tai chi and been involved in a small business. I have been a full-time carer and a bush regenerator. The things I have been passionate about all stem from my deep love of our environment, and my strong belief that social equity and fairness is fundamental to cohesion within our community.
Australian politics is in a parlous state. Both major parties are putting the interests of their big corporate donors ahead of our community. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Together, we can:
- Raise all welfare payments above the poverty line to $88 per day;
- Add dental care and mental health are to Medicare;
- Ensure everyone has a home – let’s have universal housing along with world class universal education and health services;
- Respond to the huge threats posed by climate change – we need an ambitious plan, and we have one!
- Restore integrity to politics – it is well past time for a federal ICAC; and
- Restore dignity and hope to refugees.
I’ll represent our community’s values in Parliament and hold the major parties to account. As a Greens candidate, rather than an independent, you will know what policies I support as they are readily available on the website. So no unexpected surprises.
Together we can create a fairer and cleaner future for all of us.