All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“We have a climate change emergency threatening humanity in food, quality of life, global and individual security. Science has given us the answers. We must act now.“

Hello, Naggangbi, I am Catherine Dyson, and I am honoured to be The Greens candidate for Cook. I have had a connection to Cook since I was born and have lived and worked here all my adult life.
As someone who has worked as a registered nurse, a registered midwife and is A TAFE trained horticulturist I believe in good planning, nurturing and using acknowledged science to achieve the best chance for life to thrive into the future. We embrace the new technologies that aid conception and healthy birth. In other aspects of life where we have recognised a threat we have acted. eg. we no longer use lead petrol. We have a climate change emergency threatening humanity in food, quality of life, global and individual security. Science has given us the answers. We must act now.
I want every baby born to have a healthy diverse environment with equitable opportunities of good education, good health care, security of housing and the hope to dream and plan. I feel social inequities and the alienating damaging behaviours that can result can be addressed with Australian Greens policies. We have the resources and skills to lead the world as a prosperous, generous nation.
My campaign in Cook will embrace how important it is to Vote 1 Greens in the Senate. I have met David Shoebridge through his Greens Bushwalking Group. His intelligence, energy, hard work, common sense and empathy would be an asset to our country.
The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is currently the representative for Cook. I would like to send a strong vote and hence voice to politicians and policy makers of all parties that Greens policies do appeal to voters.
Change is within Reach and if we join together we can achieve it.