All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“Your vote is powerful. With just a small change in the vote we can kick the Liberals out, and put the Greens in balance of power. This means we can get moving faster on the issues that matter to us – we can take real action on climate change, ensure that everyone in our post pandemic environment can have a secure, well paid job, an affordable home, universal free child care, public education from Primary to university and TAFE, and access to dental and mental health through Medicare.”

Hi, I’m Rob
I’m a retired Uniting Church minister who cares deeply about my community. The current MP has failed to properly represent Deakin, and I’m proud to bring a renewed sense of integrity and respect to politics.
I believe a better world is possible and I’m ready to do the work to help bring Equality and justice to our community and beyond.
Your vote is powerful. With just a small change in the vote we can kick the Liberals out, and put the Greens in balance of power. This means we can get moving faster on the issues that matter to us – we can take real action on climate change, ensure that everyone in our post pandemic environment can have a secure, well paid job, an affordable home, universal free child care, public education from Primary to university and TAFE, and access to dental and mental health through Medicare.
I’m willing and ready to elevate the voices of Deakin and be the compassionate, respectful and optimistic representative we need.