All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“The Greens have always led on Climate Change and it has never been more

The Greens campaign for Grayndler is an opportunity to shake politics to its core. I’m a woman of colour, a migrant, a refugee advocate, a local renter, an education expert and community artist, and an alternative to the stale, pale and male mindset of the old parties.
My life experience represents many of the failings of successive Labor and LNP governments. Both parties have refused to create housing affordability. Their continuous attacks on refugees makes me sick. They have done little to prevent the decimation of the education sector. They’ve shown white blindness in regards to racial justice. And both parties can’t commit to genuine climate action while they take big donations from polluters.
I’m running to make sure the people of Grayndler are heard, on climate action, refugee rights and public education as well as making space for minorities to be heard. I want protections for queer and trans communities, not a licence to discriminate. I also want to the electorate to hear new ideas on housing as a human right and ending profit for care models in spaces such as Early Childhood Education or Aged Care.
I’m a practicing artist I’ve seen the pandemic devastate the arts sector, but we don’t need a return to normal. To build a better society for us all the arts and creativity must lead us out of the COVID recession, and I am the person to take up this fight.
I am ready to represent you in Grayndler. To stand up against environmental destruction, rampant capitalism, bigotry and the rise of white supremacy.
Change Starts Now.