All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
” I’ve watched as our politicians continued to give big corporations tax breaks and development approvals as they weakened our environmental laws and made it harder for communities to speak up.”

Hi, I’m Charlotte McCabe,
I’m running for the federal seat of Newcastle with the Greens because our policies offer the answers to the big issues that have only worsened under ten years of this coalition government.
I’ve worked as a primary school teacher in Victoria, the Northern Territory and New South Wales. I chose teaching because I thought it would offer disadvantaged children the opportunity to reach their full potential and step out from intergenerational poverty. Unfortunately, I came to realise that systematic disadvantage continues to allow kids to fall through the cracks. I’ve watched as politicians have exacerbated inequality, rather than addressing it.
I’ve lived all over Australia, and always joined community campaigns wherever I went. I’ve campaigned to save ancient old growth forests, marine life, and threatened species, and to stop uranium mines, coal mines and gas projects. These campaigns had the will of the people behind them, they had the economics and the science behind them, and yet we lost nearly every single time. I’ve watched as our politicians continued to give big corporations tax breaks and development approvals as they weakened our environmental laws and made it harder for communities to speak up.
The frustration of watching those in power fail to protect people and the planet motivated me to step up and try to make a difference. I’ve recently had the privilege of being elected to Newcastle City Council, I’ve run as a Greens candidate in the