All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“I’m a local student and am greatly concerned by the lack of climate action and care for our communities by the major parties. “
Hi, I’m Bella
I’m a local student and am greatly concerned by the lack of climate action and care for our communities by the major parties. I understand what is important to the people of Fraser, and I’m ready to campaign for immediate climate action, support in recovery from the COVID 19 pandemic, free and accessible childcare and education — whilst maintaining honesty, integrity and transparency.
Our communities have been hit hard lately, and as a local I understand what is needed to secure a better future for all. Social justice and equality is at the heart of our community, which is why equitable access to healthcare, childcare and education is so important.
If just a few hundred people changed their vote from the last election, the Greens will be in the balance of power. Together, we can continue building this wonderful community.