All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“We’re in a climate emergency – we urgently need to transition out of coal and gas by 2030 and into renewable energy and storage. 2050 is too late!”

Hi, I’m Janet and I’m your Greens candidate for the seat of Hunter.
I’m standing for Hunter because I’m fed up with the Liberals and Labor backing more coal and gas developments. We’re in a climate emergency – we urgently need to transition out of coal and gas by 2030 and into renewable energy and storage. 2050 is too late!
Here in Hunter, we have workers and communities who will be directly affected by the closure of coal mines. I’ll be fighting for our communities to get the support they need to survive and thrive after coal – not telling workers their jobs will be safe for decades, as Labor does.
I’m an engineer by profession and worked at Newcastle Steelworks for nearly 20 years. I was retrenched in 1999 when steelmaking closed down. I know that having a plan to support the workforce during transitions is crucial. Local investment in renewables and storage, and coal ash reuse from our power station dams, will be crucial to provide new jobs locally.
The Libs solution is to use taxpayer money to build a gas-fired power station on our doorstep that will only employ 10 people! What’s more, our Labor member has supported this every inch of the way. Not surprising, when you consider that the Liberals and Labor take millions of dollars in donations from the coal and gas industries – The Greens don’t. If elected, I will be supporting the people of Hunter, not the coal and gas industries.
I’ve lived in the Cessnock area for the last 28 years, raising 2 children who are now both at university. Through them, I have seen the shocking rise in the cost of dental work, the difficulties associated with getting the right mental health support when required, the high cost of education, the difficulties faced by renters and their despair at never being able to afford to buy their own home.
It’s time that the billionaires and corporations paid their fair share of tax in Australia. Money raised can put dental and mental into Medicare for everyone, build thousands of affordable homes and make all levels of education free. That’s the future I’ll be fighting for.