All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“Together, we can tackle climate change by expediating change to publicly-owned renewable energy. We can protect the St Kilda Mangroves. And, we can restore integrity to politics and end dirty donations.”

Hello, I’m Emma,
I’m running for the Greens because they are the only party to offer realistic solutions to the current climate crisis we are experiencing. Together, by voting out the more complacent political parties, we can achieve real change.
Beautiful, leafy Makin is rife with natural beauty and populated with working class and migrant families. From the St Kilda Mangroves, to Anstey Hill – it’s an electorate that would benefit from a representative who has the environment and the people who live in it at the forefront of their mind.
I am running because I am a young person who fears for the state of the planet if the inaction of the Liberal government continues. I have been inspired by the unity of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world and believe that we can muster the same energy to face the next crisis – climate change. Both Labor and Liberal have continued to drag their feet on an issue that threatens us all – rich or poor.
Together, we can tackle climate change by expediating change to publicly-owned renewable energy. We can protect the St Kilda Mangroves. And, we can restore integrity to politics and end dirty donations.
If elected, I’ll do my best to represent Makin’s community values and try to ensure a cleaner, greener future for us all.