All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.

Hi, I’m Donna Nelson! I’m a Ballardong Njaki-Njaki woman, born in the Wheatbelt and living in Ellenbrook. I’m proud to be your Greens candidate for the electorate of Pearce in this upcoming federal election.
From a young age, my parents encouraged me to participate in politics to push for change and equality. The influence of my father, a strong and principled man, has spurred me to become an advocate for the land and waterways, and to view wellbeing holistically – caring for country and protecting our sacred sites is part of caring for community, just like education, health and jobs are.
Over the past 30 years I have worked across several industries including community advocacy and government, while raising my five children and becoming a grandmother to three more. As an Aboriginal woman, I know that more must be done for the rights and equality of women, and to stamp out sexism and disrespect everywhere.
I’ve witnessed so much change and progress, especially for First Nations communities. But, we can do better. I see the younger generation filled with potential and hope, and they deserve to inherit a healthy planet and a healthy society.
Our Elders are in need of aged-care options that allow them to return to country, both strengthening our culture and creating jobs. I would like to raise awareness around the affinity, spirituality and connection that Aboriginal people have to our land and waters – climate action should be built around the wisdom contained in our communities.
In Pearce, there is a concerning rate of land clearing which is affecting our native flora and fauna, as well as damaging sacred sites. Safe spaces for young people to spend time are few, and their future isn’t being looked after by the major parties. We shouldn’t tolerate a system that prioritises profits over people and the environment.
As your Greens candidate, I will be campaigning for a party that fights for equality and justice. It’s important that all people, especially First Nations people, feel empowered and represented in politics. It’s a system that should work for us, and I believe that returning Dorinda Cox to the senate can push the system to do better.
I’m excited for this campaign, and to see real action be taken on climate change and First Nations issues. I hope to see you in the coming weeks and months!