All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“I believe in the power of community activism and truly listening to the community. I am passionate about heritage and environmental planning and protection having researched and written on these topics extensively.”

I’m Michael and I want to be your next federal member for Riverina.
I was the first Australian Greens member in the House of Representatives where I worked closely with Senators Bob Brown and Kerrie Nettle on anti-discrimination, anti-war and environmental protection.
I was the only member of the House to oppose the Howard government’s prohibition on same sex marriage in 2004. During my term we questioned the Prime Minister on issues such as immigration detention, nuclear waste, youth unemployment and ABC funding. We also tabled a draft Bill of Rights and filibustered the US Free Trade Agreement in support of Australian jobs.
I know first hand what the Greens can achieve in parliament.
I believe in the power of community activism and truly listening to the community. I am passionate about heritage and environmental planning and protection having researched and written on these topics extensively.
I have published books on Indigenous history and on the koala where I explore the history of these complex policy challenges. I am a passionate advocate for self-determination of First Nations people and for the conservation of threatened species such as Koalas.
With just a small change in the vote, we can kick the Liberals out, put the Greens in shared power and push the next Government to go further and faster to a national process of truth telling and healing for First Nations people and to introduce strong environmental laws such as a ban on destroying threatened species habitats such as koalas.
I believe in openness and accountability is key to good government.
Your vote in powerful, vote 1 for The Greens in the House and the Senate so we can hold the next government to account.