All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“As a climate change policy expert and a Perth local, I worked on climate change policies as part of a Federal Government department that actually reduced Australia’s emissions, then watched them unravel as the carbon price was repealed.”

Hi, I’m Caroline Perks, and as a climate change policy expert and Perth local, I’m so excited to be the Greens candidate for Perth this election.
This election, we can make history twice – by electing a First Nations woman to the Senate and by turning Perth Green, electing WA’s first LH Greens MP.
The Greens are the only party fighting for our future. We’ll tackle the climate crisis and make billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share of tax.
As a climate change policy expert and a Perth local, I worked on climate change policies as part of a Federal Government department that actually reduced Australia’s emissions, then watched them unravel as the carbon price was repealed.
And as a young woman, I have experienced gender inequality in the workplace. Being underestimated regardless of my qualifications and being referred to as ‘sweetheart’. While living in the heart of the city, I would plot my journey home based on how lit the streets were, I would hold my keys in one hand, whilst calling a friend with the other.
As your MP for Perth I would advocate on key issues that impact all women, fight for real action on climate change and work for our community – not big coal and gas corporations.
I want a world where people are not limited by where they are born or circumstances out of their control. We need a fair and equitable society for all.
If just a few thousand people decide to vote Green for the first time this election, we can make history together. We can turn Perth Green and elect WA’s first LH Greens MP. This election, Vote 1 Greens.