All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“Another concern is preventing dangerous climate change with all its frightening implications for our world. Our failure to do so has resulted in the infernos of Black summer, the subsequent dangerous storms, and severe flooding and coastal erosion in our region.”

Hi, I’m Scott. I am a passionate trade unionist with 15 years of experience working as a union organiser in the finance, rail, and aviation industries.
I have also been involved with the emergency services for many years, including 5 years with the Berkeley Vale Rural Fire Service and currently, as a volunteer with the NSW State Emergency Service.
I am currently completing a Bachelor of Paramedic Science through Central Queensland University and am looking forward to commencing employment as a Paramedic later this year.
I’m excited to again stand as a candidate for Dobell in the coming Federal election. I joined the Greens in 1998 when I was fourteen years old and heard about the Jabiluka Uranium mine controversy in Kakadu National Park. I first contested the seat of Wyong in 2003.
Another concern is preventing dangerous climate change with all its frightening implications for our world. Our failure to do so has resulted in the infernos of Black summer, the subsequent dangerous storms, and severe flooding and coastal erosion in our region.
These things motivate me to stand again. I want to be part of the solution and the Greens remain the only party committed to implementing policies based on science.
I am also very concerned about housing availability and accessibility in Dobell. Housing availability, along with the difficulties of accessing timely mental health care, impacts significantly on young people living on the Coast.
Though I am currently living in Sydney with my fiancée, I remain very connected to the region where I grew up, attending St Peter’s Catholic College at Tuggerah and completing a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) at the Central Coast Campus, Ourimbah.