All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“There are so many reasons I’m proud to stand as The Greens candidate for Berowra; most importantly, it’s the compassion in our comprehensive and fully costed policies for people, our environment and animals. The Greens are the party of common-sense policies for the common good.”
![Tania Salitra](
Hello, I’m Tania, The Greens candidate for Berowra.
There are so many reasons I’m proud to stand as The Greens candidate for Berowra; most importantly, it’s the compassion in our comprehensive and fully costed policies for people, our environment and animals. The Greens are the party of common-sense policies for the common good.
Yes, the money-hoarding billionaires should pay more tax, and yes, tertiary education should be free, as it used to be. No politician over the age of 54 had to pay off a university debt before they could afford to buy a home.
I believe our government should be capable of making the right decisions to protect and improve our lives. This should have happened with climate change, so I’m standing with The Greens because there has never been a worse time for Australian politics with self-absorbed and billionaire-serving politicians. We know a strong economy and compassionate governing can be achieved simultaneously.
I’m a born and bred Sydney local, but I’ve also lived in the Hunter Region, where I experienced first-hand the effect of power station and coal mining pollution on my health; and the absolute joy of seeing koalas around the neighbourhood. We have koalas here – I’ve heard a call in the Berowra Valley National Park. We must do everything we can to protect and nurture them along with all of Berowra’s unique and precious environment.
With a background in Australian manufacturing management, I’m passionate about retaining and improving Australia’s manufacturing base. I’ve watched my own industry disintegrate while we also lost decades of opportunity to be world leaders in renewable energy technology; but for the shortsightedness of those beholden to the coal and gas industries. A strong Australian manufacturing sector is essential to a robust economy.
We have a climate emergency with disasters more frequent and severe, an aged care neglect crisis that’s killing our elderly; a housing crisis; low wage growth, young people burdened with massive debt just to learn, and soaring costs of living. This government has had the opportunity to right its wrongs but refuses to bother. Instead, they view every aspect of our lives through a prism of marketing opportunities for political gain.
We know there is a better way. By voting The Greens into the balance of power, we will bring much needed reform to this broken system, including ensuring politicians are held to account with a federal integrity commission and that houses are for homes, not wealth creation.