All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.“I have a long standing deep interest in community, health and environment and believe we need real positive change in government. “

Lynne is a Registered Nurse with many years experience working in Sydney public hospitals, community health and health promotion. Until recently Lynne worked as a university lecturer in health science, and now works as a sessional academic in health.
Lynne holds a Masters of Applied Science in Environmental Health, and has served three terms on Willoughby Council.
She has a proud record of protecting our bushland, foreshore, open space, natural habitat, heritage and streetscapes. Lynne has many years experience working in hospitals, Community Health, Health Promotion, Food Security, and was a founding member of Hawkesbury Harvest and Sydney Food Fairness Alliance.
Lynne has been a committee member of schools, Cubs, Scouts; The Save Chatswood High School Committee; Willoughby District Historical Society; West Ward Progress Association; Willoughby Environmental Protection Association and for many years convened the Chatswood High School Bushcare Group; NSW co-ordinator Medical Association for Prevention of War; Medical association for prevention of War, and Chair Sydney Coastal Councils Group which represents 10 coastal and estuary councils and 1.4M residents.
Lynne has real community connections with strong advocacy skills developed over many years of community participation. She is keen to serve another term on council and seeks your support to continue representing West Ward residents