All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“We need real action on climate change, cheap renewable power, sustainable industry to build long-term jobs, and more resources for healthcare and education to support our community. We need truth and justice for our First Nations people.”

Hi, I’m Bradley.
I’m standing for Watson because our beautiful, vibrant community deserves better.
In my career I’ve seen the inner workings of corporations and the property industry. I’ve seen the corrupting influence of real power and money, and I have designed their boardrooms. After an inauspicious beginning selling menswear, driving a taxi, and delivering pizza; I studied, then began work in commercial Interior Design.
I worked the systems of patronage and watched developers take massive profits from government decisions. I drank coffee with the corporate sector, delivered them workplaces that supported wellness and collaboration, achieving sustainability ratings to greenwash their corporate social responsibility credentials. But in the end, the only metric that counted for them was profit.
It left me hollow.
So, I joined The Greens – my local group in Canterbury.
I built advocacy skills as NSW Chair and Policy Chair for the Design Institute of Australia. I moved to designing schools, hospitals, and universities, which eased my conscience, but it was not enough.
The pandemic was a chance to take stock, and I made some choices. I am working towards a Master of Political Economy at the University of Sydney, I joined the Greens NSW Economics workgroup, was elected convenor of the Industry Policy workgroup, and now I’m running for Watson.
We have been ignored by the major parties for too long. While their corporate donors make record profits, our local businesses and community are left to fend for ourselves. They sell us “aspiration”, but the price tag is too high for most of us, and way too high for the planet. The Greens do not accept corporate donations, which is why only The Greens have policies to achieve real change.
We need real action on climate change, cheap renewable power, sustainable industry to build long-term jobs, and more resources for healthcare and education to support our community. We need truth and justice for our First Nations people.
Australia can afford to build a better, sustainable future. We just need to choose to do it.
With the balance of power, and David Shoebridge in the Senate, The Greens can call out the corruption and lobbying, and push the next government to deliver a better future for us all.
You can choose a better future by voting Greens, in Watson and the senate.
And if you have read this far, I know that you care. So donate, volunteer, join The Greens and get involved. You can make a difference.