All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“Now we are witnessing disastrous floods, further evidence that the Climate Emergency is here and that we must take action immediately. That is why I, as your Greens Candidate for New England, will fight for emissions reductions of Net Zero by 2035, because 2050 is far too late. I will also advocate for the government to take care of workers who rely on the fossil fuel industry, because I believe that we must protect our environment as well as our communities.”

“I have always loved the Australian bush and always been fascinated by our wonderful wildlife, native forests, creeks and rivers. I am heartbroken at the great losses to our environment and our native animals, birds, habitats.”
I met my husband, Badja, on Great Keppel Island, which is on the Great Barrier Reef. We enjoyed the beautiful coral reefs as we sailed on our yacht around the islands. I have been lucky to see the beauty and the splendour of our country. I have 3 Grandchildren and 1 Great Grandchild, and I want them to have the opportunity to experience the wonders of our magnificent country like me. That is why I want to fight to preserve our precious ecosystems, native forests and wildlife, so that future generations can live flourishing lives.
Politics became an interest for me in 2014 when I became involved in campaign managing for a Greens Party candidate at the NSW State Election. I have always had an interest in the environment, social justice, grass root democracy and demonstrated in the 60’s against the Vietnam war and conscription of our young men. I began my political career in local government because I wanted to give the community a voice, and to represent those who did not have a voice. I also decided through listening to the community that change was needed and that women needed to be involved in the decision-making processes of our communities, especially at a local level where there had been a notable lack of women leaders in council for 150 years.
I stood for council in 2016/17 and was elected Deputy Mayor. In 2018 I was elected as the first female Mayor of Glen Innes Severn Council, which is located in Ngoorabul Country in the Northern Tablelands of NSW. I am still representing my community as a councilor, but with the loss of lives, homes, our beloved native animals and pristine environment I’m ready to take this fight to the federal level. After experiencing the destruction brought about by the bushfires, I am even more driven to demand the government take action on Climate Change as “There is no time to procrastinate”.
I am a passionate voice for the community, young people, the aged, and the environment. I am a great-grandmother, a registered nurse for over 50 years, and have been a volunteer fire fighter for over 20 years. I am a member of the Wytaliba community which was recently devastated by the bush fires, where lives, land, homes and the school were lost, along with 85% of the animals and habitat. Before this catastrophic event, I successfully put a motion to Council, to declare a “Climate Emergency”. Now we are witnessing disastrous floods, further evidence that the Climate Emergency is here and that we must take action immediately. That is why I, as your Greens Candidate for New England, will fight for emissions reductions of Net Zero by 2035, because 2050 is far too late. I will also advocate for the government to take care of workers who rely on the fossil fuel industry, because I believe that we must protect our environment as well as our communities.
As a registered nurse with over 50 years experience, I have witnessed the stresses and pressures that our public health system has come under. I have seen firsthand the impacts that funding cuts have both on health professionals and patients. That is why I will fight to make billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share, so we can adequately fund not only our public health system and extend Medicare to cover dental care and metal health service, but to also fund genuinely free public education for all. We are in crisis in rural health care and we need our government to provide adequate support to our suffering communities.
By putting the Greens in the balance of power, we can hold the next government to account and ensure that our voices are heard and our communities represented and looked after.