All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“The Greens have a 2030 target of 75% emissions reduction which, according to scientific evidence, is what is needed to avoid mass extinction. “

It’s time for a new, sustainable vision.
Peter is a Shire original, growing up in the middle of the Shire and attending St Pats in Sutherland. He has an arts degree majoring in law and politics, a Diploma of Education, and a Master’s degree in Counselling.
Having taught science at high school during his 24-year teaching career, Peter understands the importance of scientific evidence in decision making. This is why he has chosen to run for The Greens who are dedicated to scientifically backed policy responses to humanities biggest challenges such as climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic.
He has been a member of the local Sutherland Greens for many years and believes that The Greens offer the best vision and hope for a sustainable and happy future for the younger generations of both Australia and the planet.
Peter is determined to be a strong, local advocate for. First Nations people, refugees, a Federal ICAC, and social justice for all disadvantaged members of our community.
Peter is passionate about the environment, especially after growing up on the beaches, waterways and National Parks of the Shire. He has been a climate activist for 20 years and believes climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity. The Greens have the best record on climate, which is why a vote for Peter is a vote for the environment.
The Greens have a 2030 target of 75% emissions reduction which, according to scientific evidence, is what is needed to avoid mass extinction. But, through government denial and inaction, that is the prospect now facing us. Who could forget the 2019-20 Fires which burned for almost 3 months – and now even our beloved koala is heading toward extinction.