All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“For decades, Liberal and Labor governments have let corporations get away with trashing our planet for their own private profit. Both parties have stood by while their big donors have dug up our environment, destroyed our climate and sold off our green spaces, with little accountability.”

I grew up in the beautiful South West before calling Perth home. As someone who has a background in Conservation and Land Management, I am deeply passionate about protecting our environment and everything that depends on it.
We face a critical decade. Now is the time for decisive action to protect our communities from increasingly severe weather events, to ensure our planet is livable for generations to come. Addressing the climate crisis is also an important part of ensuring justice for First Nations people.
For decades, Liberal and Labor governments have let corporations get away with trashing our planet for their own private profit. Both parties have stood by while their big donors have dug up our environment, destroyed our climate and sold off our green spaces, with little accountability.
Like so many of us, I have experienced ill-mental health, having to overcome stigma, and the difficulty of accessing treatment. I have been forced to survive on income support payments whilst paying for a TAFE course, and battling skyrocketing rent prices. I know the toll it can have on people’s mental health.
By making billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share, we can extend Medicare to include dental and mental health, restore free education for TAFE and university, and ensure adequate income support payments.
Young people will inherit the decisions that are made today. We must be included in long-term decision making. I have been so inspired by the many young Greens candidates across the country who are leaders in their communities. I am proud to be amongst them as your candidate for Cowan.
Be the change. Take a chance. Your vote is powerful.
So, let’s rock and roll, and I look forward to seeing you soon!