All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any orange light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.
“We will push the next government to go faster and further on climate change and transform Australia to a sustainable economy based on renewable energy, reducing the significant risks to the Gold Coast from climate change. “

Hi, I’m Scott.
Since graduating from Palm Beach-Currumbin State High School, I’ve seen our area go through many changes. We face many challenges and opportunities presented by growth, globalisation, the digital economy and climate change.
I began my career in scientific research and have since worked in administration in the areas of healthcare, crisis accommodation, mental health and education and as a customer service agent for TransLink.
These experiences have reinforced my belief in the importance of a robust and inclusive community. I believe politicians should work for the needs of the people, rather than for vested corporate interests which destroy our way of life.
I am passionate about ensuring access to affordable social housing for every Queenslander, preserving and increasing our public parks and green spaces and connecting our communities with fast, free public transport.
The Greens will make billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share of tax to provide all the things we need to live a good life. We’ll build one million homes, create long-term, secure jobs in renewable industries, get dental and mental healthcare into Medicare and make lifelong education free from childcare to university and TAFE.
The Greens will reform political donations laws so that members of parliament from all sides are working for the people who elected them and not for corporate donors.
We will push the next government to go faster and further on climate change and transform Australia to a sustainable economy based on renewable energy, reducing the significant risks to the Gold Coast from climate change.
It’s an honour to be your Greens candidate for McPherson. Will you join me in our people-powered movement for change?