Hi! I’m Giz Watson, and I’m delighted to be your Greens candidate for O’Connor this election.
Since leaving the WA State Parliament, I have continued to advocate for WA’s environment and for social justice. I am committed to urgent action to mitigate against climate change, championing human rights and equality, and creating a peaceful and just world.
The climate emergency continues to escalate while the major parties continue to fail in their response. The Greens are the only party calling for the urgent and far-reaching responses needed to prevent catastrophic and irreversible damage to the planet and its people.
In the South West, I see the damage that is happening to the environment through a drying climate and less predictable weather patterns, particularly in our forests.
Maintaining the health of WA’s unique native forests and woodlands is vital in the fight against climate change. That’s why I continue to fight to end wasteful and destructive practices such as logging, prescribed burning and bauxite mining.
It’s time our Parliament is truly representative of our community. This election, I am delighted to be a part of the team to support Dorinda Cox, WA’s first female Aboriginal Senator, to be returned to the Senate.