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The sentinel lighthouse warns mariners of rocky shores. Climate Sentinel News provides similar warnings to Australians and people everywhere threatened by the growing Climate Emergency.

Rev. 0 – 11/03/2024! 2023 set new planetary extremes as our activities force global temperatures ever higher on the way to mass extinction. 2024 looks even worse! Soon humans will no longer be able to survive in the climate we are forging. My featured image of the state of Earth’s oceans up to February 1 …
William P. Hall
2024-05-12 02:14:03
Source: William Ripple, X-Twitter
If we don’t reverse the climate system’s growing energy imbalance it will soon drive us over the lethal fall into global mass extinction ALL the global climate indicators are at or near all-time records so extreme that by September last year staid climate professionals have called the readings “gobsmackingly bananas.” — a phrase that is …
(Rev. 2 – 29/10/2023) Water was the cradle and mother of all life. When the world is too hot it is also the destructor that erases life, as in Derna, Libya on 11/09/2023 Life originated in the sea, dependent on and driven by water based chemistry. When our remote ancestors colonized the land more than …
Part 3 of David Spratt’s guidebook to events along the road to Hothouse Hell: Collapse of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Continuing from David Spratt’s look in Part 2 of his guidebook at evidence that the West Australian Ice Sheet is beginning to collapse; here, in Part 3 he turns his attention north, to signs that …
Part 2 of David Spratt’s guide-book to events along the road to Hothouse Hell: collapse of the West-Antarctic Ice Sheet This post continues David Spratt’s account of how we humans seem to be passing critical tipping points in the dynamics of Earth’s Climate System initiating the positive feedbacks of runaway global warming to Earth’s Hothouse …
In this article David Spratt explains how we have embarked on this road to Earth’s Hothouse Hell. Spratt’s story will continue Spratt warns us that more posts will follow in this series. One might relate to the unexpectedly rapid thawing of the Siberian permafrost (H on the map above) that holds at least two times …
William P. Hall
2022-12-11 17:17:55
Now the Victorian Election is over, we we must keep our politicians feet to the fire. Strong, early, and competent action against global warming is the only issue in Parliament that really matters if we are concerned for the futures of our families, or indeed, for our species and the majority of life on our …
UN Chief, Antonio Guterres warns world leaders at COP 27 summit that nations must cooperate or face “collective suicide” from climate change. Guterres pulled no punches in his opening address to heads of state and other national leaders attending the climate summit: “Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish,” “It is either a Climate Solidarity …
Part 7 – concluding David Spratt’s guidebook to events along the road to Hothouse Hell: Have we triggered so many tipping points already that we are already at or past the point of no return? Clearly, we wont know if we have passed the point of no return until it is too late to do …
Part 6 of David Spratt’s guidebook to events along the road to Hothouse Hell: Burning Siberian tundra, taiga forests and peat soils are all contributing to thawing permafrost and pushing greenhouse gas emissions past an important tipping point Spratt focuses almost exclusively on the consequences of permafrost thawing without much consideration of the overall environment …
Part 5 of David Spratt’s guidebook to events along the road to Hothouse Hell: Increasingly frequent and stronger marine heatwaves are bleaching and killing corals, architects of reef ecosystems. Rotting organic matter emits GHGs Coral polyps are the primary architects of the remarkably diverse coral reef ecosystems that border lands and islands in tropical oceans …
Part 4 of David Spratt’s guidebook to events along the road to Hothouse Hell: Overheated tropical forests are turning from carbon sinks into net greenhouse gas emitters. In this part of his narrative, David Spratt leaves the polar regions he discussed in Part 3, to see what is happening to tropical forests (and other habitats). …
Labor puppets will work to benefit fossil fuel industries’ continued hyper-profitable exploitation come hothouse hell or high water flooding! How do we know this? In the feature article here, Fake Reform: Jim Chalmers’ itsy-bitsy tax “hit” is a gift for foreign fossil fuel giants, Michael West Media compares the Australian experience with fossil fuel exploitation …
William P. Hall
2023-05-25 17:07:23
Vote Climate One facilitates political revolution
The climate emergency needs a revolution: from governments supporting dogmas and special interests to supporting citizens. Vote Climate One is working to inform Australians of the scientific facts relating to the ever growing climate emergency and what can be done politically to ensure that our governments actively join the battle to solve the emergency. We …
William P. Hall
2022-10-22 21:31:52
Global CO2 concentration through time
US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency summarizes evidence that humans are responsible for huge CO₂ emissions driving rapid global warming. Rock solid evidence leaves no other explanations able to explain the observations. Humans caused the problem. Humans should be able to do something about it! Also from Climate Q&A, see two related articles: What evidence …
William P. Hall
2022-10-25 11:05:25
We live in dangerous times. Our state and federal parliaments will make life and death decisions about the climate crisis Global warming is real. It was triggered by the ‘greenhouse effects’ in the atmosphere of exponentially increasing amounts of CO₂ emitted by humanity’s prodigious burning of fossil carbon beginning with the Industrial Revolution. The rate …
William P. Hall
2022-10-11 16:50:33
Vote Climate One submitted Dr Andrew Norton’s 22 Aug. paper, “Recipe for disaster: ‘We are only responsible for our domestic emissions’” to the UNFCCC’s First Global Stocktake. Dr Norton is a specialist in theoretical physics and applied mathematics who has applied his analytical mind to issues relating to climate change and its dangers to humanity. …