
1. Research the options
Click on a candidate or party name to find out more information about them. We have included web site links and additional information about our Green Light parties and candidates.
The information below shows candidates and parties grouped first by traffic light, then listed in alphabetical order.
We are party neutral. Positioning in the list does not infer any candidate or party is superior or inferior to another within each group.
2. Record your choices
The How-to-Vote guide lists candidates running for both the division of Page in the House of Representatives, and in the Senate New South Wales printable onto one A4 page.
We have used official data obtained from the AEC for these guides. Best-guess estimates may occasionally be inserted where AEC data is lacking. We will do our best to update information where possible.
Page Candidate Assessments
We recommend voting for individual candidates rather than parties in the House of Representatives. Click here to find out more about the role of the House of Representatives in Australia.
Senate New South Wales Party Assessments
In the senate we recommend you simplify the voting process by voting “Above the Line”. When you vote “Above the Line” you will number parties rather than candidates on your ballot paper. Click here to find out more about the role of the Senate and seat distribution.