Northern globe burning & El Niño is just starting

Northern Hemisphere summer is just starting but heat and wildfire records are already shattered over three continents! Oz + El Niño + summer?
The 6 June 2023 Washington Post gives us a bit of a hint of the kinds of conditions humans are likely to face over the next few years if we fail to stop our accelerating slide down the road to extinction as our global climate system flips from its semistable Glacial/Interglacial cycle to its Hothouse Earth state. We need climate emergency action now!

Ian Livingston, Dan Stillman and Jason Samenow – 06/06/2023, Washington Post
Extreme heat, wildfires wreaking havoc with hottest months still ahead
The oceans are record warm while heat waves have invaded multiple continents and ice levels are at historic lows.
Spring has only just begun to transition to summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but some of the season’s most odious and dangerous extreme weather is already running rampant.
Prolonged and punishing heat waves in Asia have sent temperatures soaring to 100 degrees as far north as Siberia and above 110 degrees in Thailand and Vietnam, breaking records.
Wildfires are raging in Canada, which has never seen so much land burn so early in the year. They come after a record-warm May.
Extreme conditions extend to the Southern Hemisphere too, where record warmth and historically low sea ice levels linger even as that part of the globe enters winter.
The extremes are all connected to ocean waters that have hovered at record-warm levels for months, boosted by human-caused climate change. The weather chaos could escalate in the coming months as summer temperatures peak and a developing El Niño elevates air and water temperatures worldwide further.
Read the complete article….
Compare what is happening this year in Canada with what was observed by Hall 2016:

And then the 2020 wildfires on the Siberian permafrost and taiga as summarised by Hall 2020:

Apparently the situation this year in early June, which is still very early in the normal temperate and subpolar climate zones of the Northern Hemishere, is already significantly worse than either the whole years of 2016 and 2020.
Where climate change is concerned, in 2023 before the year is halfway finished, indicators of the progress of global warming are already of the map into previously uncharted territories.
This post here only adds to alarms being set off by Climate Sentinel News‘s posts of the last few days (click thumbnails to read the posts):
What can we do to turn off the road to extinction in Hothouse Earth before it is too late?
In a few days and affiliated organizations will be launching our “Tools for Changing Government Minds”. The need for change is too urgent to depend on replacing people in office. Instead we have to change the minds of the existing people in office. Our launch document(s) will provide access to the tools, explain how to use them, and provide an armory full of nuggets of knowledge to be used as ammunition.
The first nugget to be fired at your local representative from as many different sources as possible is: (again click the thumbnail to open the file):
We need climate emergency action now! to get it started email the link to or post a copy of the document above to your federal and state MPs and senators with your own comments: If they don’t immediately start acting on the climate emergency that they will be history come the next election. Actions must include declaring (or passing legislation) that they recognize that we have to fight an existential emergency and all parliamentarians must get off their arses to shut down all sources of carbon emissions and begin mobilization to develop genuinely globally scalable technologies for capturing carbon from past emissions and safely sequestering the captured carbon in soils or in the deep oceans.
You can start doing this today if you want. You are welcome to link to or download and print any of the Climate Sentinel News posts that will help drive home the points you want to make in your cover note.
The basic idea of the campaign is very simple.
What politician is going to continue working as a puppet for special interests against first a few letters on the climate action theme, then tens, then hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands and possibly even hundreds of thousands specifically addressed to him/her with the message act or else…… The mailing lists exist, we are crafting proforma covering documents, etc..