Updating IPCC AR6: still bound for catastrophe

International group of climatologists launch a set of annually updated climate indicators to track human induced global warming through time. This decade is absolutely critical for climate action if we are to avoid climate catastrophe. However, up to now we …

Political revolution has begun in Australia!

The climate emergency needs a revolution: from governments supporting dogmas and special interests to supporting citizens. Vote Climate One is working to inform Australians of the scientific facts relating to the ever growing climate emergency and what can be done …

Climate Lens Traffic Light Assessment

In November 2021 we used the Traffic Light Voting System successfully in Macedon Ranges local government elections to elect councillors willing to act on climate change. At the recent Federal, Victorian and NSW elections we used the same system to …

On the down-hill road to extinction

Now the Victorian Election is over, we we must keep our politicians feet to the fire. Strong, early, and competent action against global warming is the only issue in Parliament that really matters if we are concerned for the futures …

VC1 red lights some parties and candidates on ethics

Crooked systems encourage dodgy players Victoria’s use of politically corrupt group voting tickets for Legislative Council elections fosters unethical parties and practices. In Corruption of ‘Above the Line Voting’ for the Victorian Parliament’s upper house I explained how Victoria’s group …

Proof that humans caused rapid global warming

US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency summarizes evidence that humans are responsible for huge CO₂ emissions driving rapid global warming. Rock solid evidence leaves no other explanations able to explain the observations. Humans caused the problem. Humans should be able …

Climate Crisis! The only issue that matters

We live in dangerous times. Our state and federal parliaments will make life and death decisions about the climate crisis Global warming is real. It was triggered by the ‘greenhouse effects’ in the atmosphere of exponentially increasing amounts of CO₂ …

VC1’s submission to UN’s First Global Stocktake

Vote Climate One submitted Dr Andrew Norton’s 22 Aug. paper, “Recipe for disaster: ‘We are only responsible for our domestic emissions’” to the UNFCCC’s First Global Stocktake. Dr Norton is a specialist in theoretical physics and applied mathematics who has …

Hurricane damage: Not Florida… Canada!

Global warming gives extreme weather more energy to play with. Unless global warming is stopped and reversed, economies will begin collapsing. More areas will suffer more extreme damage more frequently, effecting more people…. Until economies can no longer repair the …