Global Climate Change 8/07/2023

08/07/2023 What’s this article about, and why is the date in the title important? As I write this, the average climate for our WHOLE PLANET is changing so freaking fast we can see visibly measurable changes in the averages from …

Global Climate Change 26/06/2023

What’s this article about, and why is the date in the title important? As I write this, the average climate for our WHOLE PLANET is changing so freaking fast we can see visibly measurable changes in the averages from one …

A warming ocean will take its revenge on us

Around 90% of the extra heat trapped by the greenhouse layer warms our Ocean to slow rising temperatures. We’ll pay the price. The climate scientist, Bill McKibben reminded me of this fact in his regular newsletter, The Crucial Years, in …

Updating IPCC AR6: still bound for catastrophe

International group of climatologists launch a set of annually updated climate indicators to track human induced global warming through time. This decade is absolutely critical for climate action if we are to avoid climate catastrophe. However, up to now we …

Climate Lens Traffic Light Assessment

In November 2021 we used the Traffic Light Voting System successfully in Macedon Ranges local government elections to elect councillors willing to act on climate change. At the recent Federal, Victorian and NSW elections we used the same system to …

VC1 red lights some parties and candidates on ethics

Crooked systems encourage dodgy players Victoria’s use of politically corrupt group voting tickets for Legislative Council elections fosters unethical parties and practices. In Corruption of ‘Above the Line Voting’ for the Victorian Parliament’s upper house I explained how Victoria’s group …

Victorian Election Reminder – Vote Climate One

The UN’s World Meteorological Organization warns us that we have done nothing to slow the global warming caused by our carbon emissions. Geneva, 13 September 2022 (WMO) – Climate science is clear: we are heading in the wrong direction, according …

Thawing permafrost is crossing several tipping points

An EOS article published today puts exclamation marks around yesterday’s post: “Thawing permafrost in the Arctic warns we are probably crossing several critical tipping points on the road to runaway warming and near-term human extinction“. “The increasing incidence of wildfire …