Make climate the winner at every election

“We need to treat the climate emergency as a global war we are on track to lose unless we can focus our efforts on the only task that matters — reversing global warming. If we fail here no other tasks matter — our species will soon end up extinct no matter how we arrange the deck chairs on the burning ship.”
William P. Hall – Evolutionary Biologist & Vote Climate One committee member

Electorates A-Z – VIC Election 2022

Your vote for climate in the Victorian election will make all the difference.

Why the Victorian state election matters

State governments have enormous power over decisions that affect the climate.

The Victorian government might look ok from a distance, but up close it has:

  • Made electric vehicles more expensive with the country’s only tax on driving an EV
  • Approved new gas drilling near the Twelve Apostles on the Great Ocean Road
  • Broken an election promise to protect old growth forests from logging

During the recent Federal Election, we prepared climate emergency voting guides for 151 electorates and eight senate tickets. We are now empowering Victorians to elect a majority of members in both houses of parliament who will act urgently on the climate crisis.

Vote Climate One provided the means for Australians to elect pro-climate members and defeat sitting members who, by party affiliation or demonstrated voting record, have shown themselves to be the opponents of effective action on climate.

Your climate vote can help to hold the two major parties to account. The recent rise of community independents and the corresponding demise of support for the two major parties is a hopeful sign. The influence and wisdom of these independent representatives has the capacity to transform our democracy. 

Above the line voting in Victorian Upper House means you run the risk of supporting back room preference deals which will not help elect candidates committed to climate action.

For this reason we strongly recommend you go to the trouble to vote below the line in the Victorian Legislative Council.

Test Drive our voting guide below

This is a sample of what a 2018 Upper House Traffic Light Voting Guide would have perhaps looked like for the South-East Metro Region.

Do a test run

To do a practical test for understanding how the Traffic Light System works and how to vote below the line, print the Voting Guide and also a ballot paper. Try filling in the boxes on the ballot paper using the instructions from the Traffic Light Voting Guide. We aim to have the 2022 guides available for use on the website, for the current election, by Monday May 14th. when the ballot draw is complete, and pre-polling begins.

Climate Sentinel News


It’s not all bad news!

NSW: Finally, a district court judge rules out Perrottet government’s “fascist” anti-protest sentence

Reason, truth, and proportionality have triumphed over the Perrottet government’s fascist desires to stop climate protests and the police’s compliant fake evidence. As I discuss further below, the judge’s finding in the Violet CoCo case raises the hope that people are beginning to realize how…

Read… NSW: Finally, a district court judge rules out Perrottet government’s “fascist” anti-protest sentence

Meet the people

We are a group of people who have had enough of inaction on climate change. People from all walks of life have realised that we cannot wait for political parties to do what is so obviously needed to address the climate emergency and take advantage of opportunities arising from clean energy.

Rob Bakes

Rob Bakes

Passionate Activist

Climate change denial and lack of action on global warming have deeply concerned me for at least twenty-five years. To my dismay, during that period, emissions have only continued to increase. I have devoted most of my time and energy working in activism for the last 10-years to reverse this trend.

I convened VOTE CLIMATE ONE and the Traffic Light Voting Guide to help ordinary Australian voters to use the preferential voting system to create a Federal government which will view the crisis of global warming as an existential threat. To me it feels like all the elections leading up to 2030 (state and federal) present our last chance to change the path away from a train crash future.

William P Hall

William P. Hall

Evolutionary Biologist

I’m an 82 year old evolutionary biologist (PhD Harvard, 1973) and engineering knowledge management systems analyst and designer until my retirement in mid 2007. Combining the two major threads of my career, I spent a good 14 years through 2014 exploring the coevolution of humans and our technologies.

We need to treat the climate emergency as a global war that will we are losing unless we can focus our efforts on the only task that matters – reversing global warming. The Vote Climate One campaign is a way to achieve this necessary goal. Losing the war to stop and reverse warming equals human extinction.

Contact us today and let’s finally get some real action.

We’re accepting volunteers for research and polling booth hand outs. If you would like to find out more send us an email.

For Facebook fans we have a Vote Climate One Group. Join up and chat. We would love it if you share our web site on your time line as well.


Vote Climate One
PO Box 446
Kyneton, VIC 3444


[email protected]


Tel: 03 5422 6602

Mob: 0458 221 799