All Greens candidates have been allocated a green light after our rigorous assessment process. Number green light candidates before any yellow light or red light candidates on your ballot paper.“I’m inspired to campaign on the Greens’ vision to transform the future of Australia in which real action on climate change is linked with the development of new, sustainable industries and jobs.”

Ryan is one of the top 10 seats in the country for the Greens at the next election. This is because in Ryan the Greens are on a roll. With my friend and local MP Michael Berkman resoundingly re-elected last year, and a rising Greens vote all across the electorate, a swing against the LNP of just 5% could help the Greens take Ryan.
I’m also looking forward to campaigning in Ryan to help the Greens win a second senator in Queensland and take the balance of power in the Senate.
I’m a long-term resident of St Lucia and ran my own successful architectural practice in St Lucia and Auchenflower for 21 years. My career as an architect has focused on sustainable design of our built environments, greening our cities, urban resilience, accessibility, and social equity.
I believe that in a wealthy country like Australia, no one should be without a roof over their head, and that providing well designed housing for all is absolutely central to a viable economy and equitable society. The Greens’ policy of making the billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share means we can afford quality public housing, free education, free childcare, free and Australian-made vaccines, and dental and mental health included in Medicare.
I’m inspired to campaign on the Greens’ vision to transform the future of Australia in which real action on climate change is linked with the development of new, sustainable industries and jobs.
Join me and let’s turn Ryan Green.