The sentinel lighthouse warns mariners of rocky shores. Climate Sentinel News provides similar warnings to Australians and people everywhere threatened by the growing Climate Emergency.
I am sorry about the long gap in my tracking of the still acceleration gamut of extreme weather worldwide. Every week, if not every day, brings yet more grim news of death and destruction from billion-dollar climate catastrophes. (From Watersheds, flooding, and pollution - Look around you, right now — you are in a watershed
If we don’t reverse the climate system’s growing energy imbalance it will soon drive us over the lethal fall into global mass extinction ALL the global climate indicators are at or near all-time records so extreme that by September last year staid climate professionals have called the readings “gobsmackingly bananas.” — a phrase that is …
William P. Hall
2024-09-03 19:09:13
Rev. 0 – 11/03/2024! 2023 set new planetary extremes as our activities force global temperatures ever higher on the way to mass extinction. 2024 looks even worse! Soon humans will no longer be able to survive in the climate we are forging. My featured image of the state of Earth’s oceans up to February 1 …
(Rev. 2 – 29/10/2023) Water was the cradle and mother of all life. When the world is too hot it is also the destructor that erases life, as in Derna, Libya on 11/09/2023 Life originated in the sea, dependent on and driven by water based chemistry. When our remote ancestors colonized the land more than …
Our World at Risk: Transforming Governancefor a Resilient Future 2022 Why is this report important to Australian voters? Not only are the disasters becoming more frequent, but they are both becoming more extensive in terms of their areas of impact and numbers of people harmed, and they are beginning to concatenate/overlap. Here, the next disaster …
IPCC’s guidance is dangerous in rapidly evolving climate emergency due to time lost for peer review between observing and reporting reality Introduction: Year by year we are seeing increases in both the basic readings for global warming and in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events attributed to the warming that show we are …
William P. Hall
2022-01-07 12:02:11
The climate emergency is an existential crisis for humans. Bill McKibben explains why the Press and politicians ignore the climate emergency even though we risk extinction by ignoring it. We face an existential crisis of our own making. It threatens to exterminate the human species and most other complex life on our only planet. Yet, …
Act now before it is too late! Colossal wildfires burn across Canada, driving thousands of people to evacuate with kids, pets and precious belongings CNN’s featured image shows a pumper truck spraying fire retardant on trees around the evacuated neighborhood of Beacon Hill in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, on Wednesday.Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press/AP, 16 May, …
Dr Andrew (“Twiggy”) Forrest tells international business and political forum the factual reality that “Business will kill your children!” When I started this essay, Renew Economy, whose article is linked below, was one of the few mentions I found in the press or social media of the unique event where any self-made billionaire, let alone …
Human activities are triggering self-reinforcing existential climate risks that are growing more lethal with time — our extinction is likely Over the last 200 years prodigious amounts of carbon-based fossil fuels (coal, oil, methane) have been burned to produce waste gases (mostly CO₂) and useful energy to drive the Industrial Revolution, our affluence, our toys, …
Following on from my May 22 post, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology is raising warning flags that the impending El Niño will be the worst yet. There is actually a lot more on the front burner than El Niño. There are signs we may have just crossed a catastrophic ocean tipping point over the last …
Now the Victorian Election is over, we we must keep our politicians feet to the fire. Strong, early, and competent action against global warming is the only issue in Parliament that really matters if we are concerned for the futures of our families, or indeed, for our species and the majority of life on our …
We live in dangerous times. Our state and federal parliaments will make life and death decisions about the climate crisis Global warming is real. It was triggered by the ‘greenhouse effects’ in the atmosphere of exponentially increasing amounts of CO₂ emitted by humanity’s prodigious burning of fossil carbon beginning with the Industrial Revolution. The rate …
William P. Hall
2022-08-11 14:31:46
Since Australia’s 21 May national election, I’ve been too busy working on a series of articles on the genesis of the ‘Teal Tsunami’ of climate friendly community independents that is transforming Australian government to post much else. However, replacement of the COALition Government whose solution to the climate emergency was denial by one that at …
Politicians threatened by community-based independents warn of CHAOS, but these thinking independents have ideals rather than ideologies. Depending on how people vote, we may be headed towards a major revolution in the structure and functioning of our form of Parliamentary government. Under 9+ years of LNP COALition government, major policies have been heavily influenced by …
‘Safe’ Victorian Liberal seat held by Tim Wilson, ex Policy Director & spokesperson for right wing IPA vs even better known teal, Zoe Daniel Another interesting electoral contest for 2022 is that taking place in the wealthy Victorian suburban seat of Goldstein on east side of Pt Philip Bay, with 9 candidates on the ballot. …
This is the recipe for extinction when facing existential catastrophe. A lesson on the difference between thinking and believing We humans face a very real risk of runaway global warming that we have triggered by burning fossil carbon accumulated over millions of years in around 150 years. We have already passed the trigger points where …
In a new Nature News article scientists consider a dangerously fast rise in atmospheric methane (= methane spike) from natural rather than human sources The physical observations in this article present us with a very important choice, accept the evidence that continued global warming may trigger a methane spike that represents a truly existentially catastrophic …
Amongst many other growing perils resulting from global warming, as long as we allow our only Earth to go on warming urban firestorms will become more frequent, fiercer, and deadlier. Many of Australia's close packed and leafy suburbs would also be susceptible to this kind of urban firestorm.