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The sentinel lighthouse warns mariners of rocky shores. Climate Sentinel News provides similar warnings to Australians and people everywhere threatened by the growing Climate Emergency.

William P. Hall
2022-10-22 21:31:52
Global CO2 concentration through time
US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency summarizes evidence that humans are responsible for huge CO₂ emissions driving rapid global warming. Rock solid evidence leaves no other explanations able to explain the observations. Humans caused the problem. Humans should be able to do something about it! Also from Climate Q&A, see two related articles: What evidence …
William P. Hall
2022-10-25 11:05:25
We live in dangerous times. Our state and federal parliaments will make life and death decisions about the climate crisis Global warming is real. It was triggered by the ‘greenhouse effects’ in the atmosphere of exponentially increasing amounts of CO₂ emitted by humanity’s prodigious burning of fossil carbon beginning with the Industrial Revolution. The rate …
William P. Hall
2022-10-11 16:50:33
Vote Climate One submitted Dr Andrew Norton’s 22 Aug. paper, “Recipe for disaster: ‘We are only responsible for our domestic emissions’” to the UNFCCC’s First Global Stocktake. Dr Norton is a specialist in theoretical physics and applied mathematics who has applied his analytical mind to issues relating to climate change and its dangers to humanity. …
William P. Hall
2022-10-09 22:15:28
From the LA Times
The event Queen Elizabeth’s funeral marks the end of an era. What era?… And, exactly what have we been celebrating?… Australia, and indeed, seemingly most the rest of the world has spent the last two weeks mourning the passing of a 97 year old lady on the other side of the globe with a panoply …
William P. Hall
2022-09-25 17:46:55
The UN’s World Meteorological Organization warns us that we have done nothing to slow the global warming caused by our carbon emissions. Geneva, 13 September 2022 (WMO) – Climate science is clear: we are heading in the wrong direction, according to a new multi-agency report coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which highlights the …
A rising tsunami of teal independents is transforming our democracy representing special interests to a participatory democracy of community representatives As noted in my many posts to Climate Sentinel News, it is becoming increasingly evident that humanity on our only planet faces near term extinction if we don’t manage to stop and reverse the global …
Today’s Breakthrough Institute report shows we are tipping climate thresholds like dominoes as we slide down runaway warming’s road to Hell Featured Image: Cover picture from the emailed announcement received 17/05/2022 of Breakthrough Institute’s new publication “Climate Dominoes“, by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop. This report summarizes the vast array of evidence showing that the …
William P. Hall
2022-05-16 03:20:36
Politicians threatened by community-based independents warn of CHAOS, but these thinking independents have ideals rather than ideologies. Depending on how people vote, we may be headed towards a major revolution in the structure and functioning of our form of Parliamentary government. Under 9+ years of LNP COALition government, major policies have been heavily influenced by …
Another affluent Liberal heartland seat will test the importance of climate action and ethics to conservative, thinking voters Among a field of 11 candidates running in Kooyong, including the ‘born to rule’ incumbent Liberal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg who would be next PM after Scott Morrison, it seems likely that no one candidate will have a …
William P. Hall
2022-05-04 15:24:58
Chaney, once deputy PM and minister under Fraser says Liberal Party has “lost its way”, backs teal niece, Kate Chaney, to take ultra-safe WA seat of Curtin Today in the Nine-Newspapers Fred Chaney says why he can no longer support the Liberals“ Fred Chaney is actively supporting his Niece, Kate Chaney, a teal independent who …
William P. Hall
2022-04-26 23:47:42
This is the recipe for extinction when facing existential catastrophe. A lesson on the difference between thinking and believing We humans face a very real risk of runaway global warming that we have triggered by burning fossil carbon accumulated over millions of years in around 150 years. We have already passed the trigger points where …
The physical laws of thermodynamics rule that it takes a lot of energy to capture wide-spread rare gas molecules into a tight space The article below extrapolates the costs of ‘proven’ technologies for direct air capture and sequestration of CO₂. To have any hope of cleansing our planet’s atmosphere, MILLIONS of these complex engineered contraptions …
William P. Hall
2022-04-04 22:05:41
Permafrost holds 2x more carbon than Earth’s atmosphere and 3x more than all forests. Thawing will hugely impact global climate warming Editors note: I have often mentioned the potential risk of rapid permafrost thawing serving as a source of powerful positive feedback on global warming from the abrupt emissions of greenhouse gases. The emissions include …
Our climate is heading towards Apocalypse. Four factors will probably end humanity if runaway global warming is not stopped by climate action Thanks to 100 years of extracting burning fossil fuels, the human population has expanded to exploit and control the resources of essentially the entire surface of our planet. We live on the surface …
Even the very conservative Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says billions of people will suffer direct harm from ongoing global warming. Are they getting the message? Although their science is impeccable, I have explained in detail that the IPCC is constrained by governmental foundations and scientific reticence to understate and downplay the dramatically stark nature …