Caulfield Electorate (VIC)
Guides for Caulfield
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It's never been easier... Just vote climate!
About the guides
Vote Climate One categorises all candidates and parties into three easy-to-follow groupings.
Listings are displayed in alphabetical order within each traffic light colour group.
Vote Climate One is party neutral. Positioning in lists does not infer any candidate or party is superior or inferior to another within each group.
Research tools
Traffic Light Rankings on this page:
Other resources on this web site:
Lower House: Caulfield
Upper House: Southern Metropolitan Region
Caulfield falls within the Southern Metropolitan Region in regard to voting in the upper house (The Legislative Council) for Victoria.
Above the line voting in Victoria means you run the risk of supporting back room preference deals which will not help elect candidates committed to climate action. Read more...
- Enter the numeral 1 in only one box on the Upper House ballot paper
- Do not number any other boxes
- See our recommendation for which box to mark with the numeral 1 in the guide. We have selected the party which has distributed its preferences to best favour climate action
- Number Green Light candidates (party and independent) first in your order of preference
- Number Orange Light candidates next
- Number Red Light candidates last or do not number them at all. We can help you rank them HERE.
Our Traffic Light advice immediately below is only applicable to voting below the line.
Recommendations and news for Caulfield
Promising Green Light candidates
Important Message for Liberal voters in the Caulfield electorate
As a Victorian Liberal Party voter you are well aware that the Coalition has dragged its feet on climate action and has avoided acknowleging the crisis we all face. By voting traffic light you have the opportunity to send a clear message to your party to take the climate emergency seriously. Preference the Green light candidates before the Coalition candidate, David Southwick, and be confident your vote will not be wasted.
- If the Green light candidates drop out of the vote count before David, your preference will still end up as a Coalition candidate vote.
- Your vote remains live right down to the last two candiates left in the race for election.
WARNING about your vote in the Southern Metropolitan Region for the Upper House
- Do not put 1 in the Liberal Party box to vote above the line for the Legislative Council. Because of dodgy preference deals, your vote is likely to go to climate denying candidates.
- Voting above the line gives you no control over making your vote benefit climate action.
- Use our test run to learn how to vote below the line.
Important Message for Labor voters in Caulfield
Labor’s initiatives on climate in government in Victoria have been well ahead of the pack. The problem for you as a Labor voter concerned about climate change, is that there has been a serious shortfall in policy.
- How could any government serious about the climate emergency approve new gas exploration.
- It’s almost unbelievable that a government would discourage the acquisition of electric vehicles by whacking a tax on their use. .
- Our old growth forests, which so important for carbon storge and environmental protection, are still being logged with abandon due to the influence of the CFMEU.
Vote for the Green light candidates before the labor candidate Lior Harel. Be confident your vote will not be wasted.
- If the Green light candidates drop out of the vote count your vote will still end up with Labor.
- This is an opportunity to send a message to the Labor party that they need to lift their game.
- Your vote remains live right down to the last two candiates left in the race for election.
WARNING about your vote in the Southern Metropolitan Region for the Upper House
- Do not put 1 in the Labor box to vote above the line in the Southern Metropolitan Region for the Legislative Council.
- Your vote could go to right wing climate deniers because of Labor’s disgraceful, anti-democratic preference deals.
- Use our test run to learn how to vote below the line.
Got something to tell us about Caulfield or the Southern Metropolitan Region?
(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0458 221 799)