Preston Electorate (VIC)
Posted by Vote Climate One Team on March 09, 2023 10:12 pm
Guides for Preston
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About the guides
Vote Climate One categorises all candidates and parties into three easy-to-follow groupings.
Listings are displayed in alphabetical order within each traffic light colour group.
Vote Climate One is party neutral. Positioning in lists does not infer any candidate or party is superior or inferior to another within each group.
Research tools
Traffic Light Rankings on this page:
Other resources on this web site:
Lower House: Preston
Green light candidates have been rigorously assessed as absolutely committed to real action on the climate emergency. Number these first when you vote.
Orange light candidates are preferable to red but have some question marks over their climate policy or party voting record. When you vote, number them after the green light candidates.
Red light candidates are a dangerous choice if Australians want real action on the climate emergency. Number these after the green and orange candidates.
Upper House: Northern Metropolitan Region
Preston falls within the Northern Metropolitan Region in regard to voting in the upper house (The Legislative Council) for Victoria.
Above the line voting in Victoria means you run the risk of supporting back room preference deals which will not help elect candidates committed to climate action. Read more...
If you intend to VOTE ABOVE THE LINE
- Enter the numeral 1 in only one box on the Upper House ballot paper
- Do not number any other boxes
- See our recommendation for which box to mark with the numeral 1 in the guide. We have selected the party which has distributed its preferences to best favour climate action
BELOW THE LINE VOTING (Strongly Recommended)
- Number Green Light candidates (party and independent) first in your order of preference
- Number Orange Light candidates next
- Number Red Light candidates last or do not number them at all. We can help you rank them HERE.
Our Traffic Light advice immediately below is only applicable to voting below the line.
Sitting Member 
Green light parties have been rigorously assessed as absolutely committed to real action on the climate emergency. Number these first when you vote below the line.
Sitting Member 
Orange light parties are preferable to red but have some question marks over their climate policy or party voting record. When you vote below the line number them after the green light candidates.
Sitting Member 
Red light parties are a dangerous choice if you want real action on the climate emergency. Number these after the green and orange parties. Alternatively you can choose to not number them at all.
Got something to tell us about Preston or the Northern Metropolitan Region?
(If you would prefer to speak with a human please call: 0458 221 799)