Political Parties – NSW 2023
Vote Climate One is constantly assessing and adding new political parties.
Traffic Light Assessments may change as election campaigns evolve.
Green Light
All Green Light parties and groups have responded yes to our foundational questions. Their policy statements, history, and other factors indicate that they are most likely to take action on climate change.
Registered Parties
Animal Justice PartyElizabeth Farrelly Independents
Legalise Cannabis NSW Party
Socialist Alliance
Sustainable Australia Party – Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption
The Greens NSW
Non Party Groupings
No groups found.
Assessment Pending
Assessment is in progress for these political parties and groups.
Registered Parties
No parties found.
Non Party Groupings
Reason Party NSWOrange Light
All Orange Light parties and groups indicate support for climate action but have not been thoroughly convincing in either their performance or policy.
Registered Parties
Australian Labor Party(NSW Branch)Public Education Party
The Liberal Party of Australia, New South Wales Division
Non Party Groupings
No groups found.
Mixed political entities are comprised of candidates that are not predominently Green, Orange, or Red. We provide advice on an individual candidate basis for these parties and groups.
Registered Parties
No parties found.
Non Party Groupings
IndependentRed Light
All Red Light political entities and their candidates are a dangerous choice. If they are able to form government, Australia will continue on a path toward severe climate disasters, contributing further to social injustice, poverty, and stress on health care systems.
Registered Parties
Informed Medical Options PartyLiberal Democratic Party
National Party of Australia
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (NSW) Incorporated
The Open Party
The Small Business Party
Non Party Groupings
The Liberal National Party CoalitionThe Socialist Equality Party
Unendorsed – BOSI, Riccardo
Unendorsed – CAINE, Milton
Unendorsed – GRENFELL, Oscar
Unendorsed – KELLY, Craig
Unendorsed – LIM, Danny
Unendorsed – MAKSIMOVIC, Milan
Unendorsed – NILE, Silvana
Unendorsed – SHELTON, Lyle
Disclaimer: Our assessment of some parties and candidates may change as the election unfolds and climate policies are announced. Currently we are relying on assessments from recent climate voting guides and parliamentary performance. If any candidate or party has other information or assurances please contact us.
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