News Flash: Fundamental corruption in Victorian Upper House Group Voting Ticket law revealed by Preference Whisperer

Glenn Druery in his own words describes how he legally corrupts the Victorian Upper House voting system allowing parties to distribute voters’ above the line vote.
Vote Climate One strongly recommends that everyone who cares who you vote for should take the effort to avoid the corrupt system and vote below the line. Our Climate Lens Traffic Light Assessment system and Voting Guides are designed to give you information about each party to make voting below the line for those particular parties and candidates you decide you want as easy as possible. Our information focuses on the various parties’ climate policies and reliability, but will also link you to information on all their other policies as well.
For Climate Sentinel News’s other articles on Victoria’s corrupt above the line voting see:
- VC1 red lights some parties and candidates on ethics
- Victoria’s Group Voting Tickets ignore your preferences
- Corruption of ‘Above the Line Voting’ for the Victorian Parliament’s upper house
Voters can draw their own conclusions from today’s ABC article below without further comment from me.

ABC News, 17/11/2022
Calls for Victorian electoral reform after ‘preference whisperer’ recorded boasting of influence
Key points:
- Two members of the Angry Victorians Party recorded a meeting with so-called “preference whisperer” Glenn Druery
- Mr Druery said he charged $55,000 to arrange upper house preference deals, which is legal in Victoria
- The opposition and some minor parties are calling for electoral reform to abolish the group voting ticket system
Victoria’s “archaic” upper house voting system must be reformed, MPs and experts say, after secret deals to elect micro parties were exposed by a leaked video.
Victoria is the only state to still allow group voting tickets (GVT) — a system where parties allocate preference for voters who number the upper house ballot paper above the line.
It has led to complex and secretive deals between micro parties to harvest preferences in order to get elected with minuscule primary votes.
Read the complete article….